Sitemap URL Modification date Change freq. Priority
Index 28/10/2023 weekly 1.0
Main page 15/05/2024 weekly 1.0
Summary 04/06/2024 weekly 0.95
B/Clear for The Championship 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
B/Clear for The Premiership 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Device test page 10/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 1 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 10 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 11 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 12 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 13 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 14 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 15 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 16 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 17 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 18 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 2 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 3 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 4 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 5 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 6 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 7 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 8 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League results for Week 9 15/05/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for The Championship 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
League tables for The Premiership 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for The Championship 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for The Championship 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for The Premiership 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Player statistics for The Premiership 04/06/2024 weekly 0.9
Matrix for The Championship 04/06/2024 weekly 0.8
Matrix for The Premiership 04/06/2024 weekly 0.8
Sitemap for search engines 04/06/2024 weekly 0.8
.htaccess 15/05/2024 monthly 0.7
League Fixtures 15/05/2024 monthly 0.7
Main page 28/10/2023 monthly 0.7
Matches 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for 6 Eka Girls 1 Cue 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Churchills Aces 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Churchills Psychos 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Churchills Rhinos 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for DRSC Clowns 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for DRSC Dreamboys 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for DRSC Lanterns 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for DRSC Poke 'N Hope 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for DRSC XXX 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for East Kent Arms 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for FOCO Kent 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for FOCO No Hope 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for FOCO V 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Golden Arrow 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Hawkinge Hawks 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Hawkinge Hounds 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Oddfellows 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for Park Inn 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for The Championship 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for The Nailbox 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for The Premiership 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Matches for The Valiant Sailor 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Outstanding or postponed matches 04/06/2024 monthly 0.7
Redseal-Logo.svg 19/05/2022 monthly 0.7
absolutepath.php 12/12/2023 monthly 0.7
ULMKnockout.css 28/10/2023 monthly 0.5
ULMMain.css 04/06/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMModule.css 07/05/2024 monthly 0.5
ULMPrint.css 21/05/2024 monthly 0.5
w3pro.css 04/06/2024 monthly 0.5
Table module (feature rich) for FOLKESTONE POOL LEAGUE 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for The Championship 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (feature rich) for The Premiership 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for FOLKESTONE POOL LEAGUE 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for The Championship 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) (feature rich) for The Premiership 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for FOLKESTONE POOL LEAGUE 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for The Championship 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module (full stats) for The Premiership 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for FOLKESTONE POOL LEAGUE 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for The Championship 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4
Table module for The Premiership 04/06/2024 monthly 0.4

RedsealSWRedsealSW version 4.6.31.F on 04/06/2024 at 12:17:11